Panasonic Corporation Connected Solutions Corporation has won the "Silver Award" etc. for "In -house News Awards 2021"

Category: Product service

パナソニック株式会社 コネクティッドソリューションズ社が「社内報アワード2021」で「シルバー賞」等を受賞 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Release issuance company: Panasonic

Panasonic Co., Ltd. Connected Solutions Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo -ku, Tokyo, President: Yasuyuki Higuchi, Panasonic Group's transition to the holding company system, will change to "Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd.".) In -house portal site "CNS Company Portal Site" is a web / app in -house report section of "Internal News Awards 2021" hosted by Wizworks Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Tomonori Maeda, Daisuke Takahashi).In the case, we won the "Silver Award".At the same time, he won the Internal Communication Producer Division of "Internal news Award 2021"."Internal news Awards" is an annual in -house news festival, consisting of a nationally -scale internal news planning contest and a commendation event of an excellent project in the screening.Since the start of 2002, the "Competition", which has a reputation for carefully judging, and the "event", which also has a popular case presentation, has expanded to the right.Now, it is a valuable opportunity to increase the motivation of the in -house newsletter ( * 1) CNS's internal portal site "CNS Portal Site" is particularly "issuance purpose" among the five evaluation items.It was evaluated from the viewpoint of "design" and "information" and won the "Silver Award".The purpose of the site renewal is set as "promotion of CNS reform", which is a priority measure of CNS.Using a design thinking mesott, we set up and analyze the user's employee employees and analyzed them from the information dissemination site of the downsight to the "place to realize casual and flat two -way communication".Technically, by incorporating the in -house SNS "Microsoft Yammer" and the collaboration tool "Microsoft Teams", the company's internal digital transformation (DX) accelerated.In addition, the portal site accessed by all employees will be introduced in three months since the planning was launched, and after that, it will be used as an opportunity for employees to experience agile project promotion methods by continuing to incorporate employee feedback.Did.* 1: In-house news Award operating company Wizworks Co., Ltd.'s web page (https: // wis-works.Excerpted from JP/AWARD/) Wizworks Co., Ltd. "Internal news Award 2021" results announcement https: // Wis-works.JP/AWARDS/2021/ ・ I think that the purpose of issuance is clear, and I think it is an in -house newsletter with originally designed originality.・ In -house newsletter is realized on SNS -type portal sites that cannot be easily realized.・ I feel that this is a model that can be realized in this way, “acceleration of digital transformation in internal communication” and “transformation from information dissemination of reinforcement to flat and casual two -way communication”.・ It is also wonderful to incorporate the latest digital transformation technology, such as the unique customization of the content management system and the mechanism that automatically displays the contents of YAMMER on the top page.・ Although the overall amount of information is large, priority and information are well organized, so even if you compare it before and after the renewal, it has been greatly improved in terms of appeal, functional and usability.increase.・ In realizing flat and casual two -way communication, the use of YAMMER and Teams is also wonderful.The impression that not only design but also how to drop the project is well used. "In -Company Awards 2021" Silver Awards and I am very honored to be awarded for winning in the Internal Communication Producer Division.In order to further sublimate and penetrate the corporate culture of 100 years of corporate Panasonic, we thought that international communication was the most important, so it was a project member.In order to achieve this, we have planned and implemented this time with the marketing approach so that the use of internal portal sites, which is the main platform for international communication, can be used most effectively.In addition, the new portal site has enhanced its value by motivating UIs, mechanisms, and digital tools that are completely different from before.It was a big challenge for all employees who use it as well as project members, but for the purpose of "promoting corporate change," all the CNS companies have been working on it.CNS will be "Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd." from April 2022, with Panasonic's share company.As we continue to change in the future, the importance and expectations of international communication will increase.We will continue the challenge! 1.Purpose Purpose CNS promotes "culture and mind reform" as a priority measure of management strategy."With the awareness of doing the right thing right for the company and customers," "Opinions can be said to be open regardless of age, gender, position, etc."We are accelerating specific climate reform.In order to promote this reform, to achieve "acceleration of digital transformation (hereinafter referred to as DX) in internal communication" and "change to flat and casual two -way communication", the internal portal site that is the basis of internal communication.Was a large -scale renewal.2.Acceleration of digital transformation in design, information (content), and in -house communication is automatically displayed on the "CNS Portal Site" on the contents of the post from the internal SNS "Microsoft Yammer" and the post itself is posted as a portal content.By doing so, the degree of use of Yammer has been greatly improved.The number of posts has been significantly improved from 100 cases per year before the renewal to 6,800 per year, and the number of browsing has been obtained more than 1.54 million times. In addition to the strategic content creation in collaboration with CNS's main promotion themes, besides YAMMER posted content, "Acceleration of Business Promotion" and "Diversity Iquitity Inclusion", etc.We create articles linked to the main theme of management strategy and publish them using rotation banners. Panasonic Co., Ltd. Enterprise Marketing Headquarters PR: * "Microsoft", "YAMMER" and "Micosoft Teams" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and related companies.* Other company names, product names, etc. may be trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES

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* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.