Popular illustrator Sakusha 2, the origin of creative activities and the comfort of "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11" is reviewed!

In order to know the ability of "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11", we asked a popular illustrator, Sakusha 2, who usually loves tablet terminals, actually used the product and asked for the feeling of use.

In the interview, we will continue to approach the starting point of Mr. Sakusha 2, such as your career and your goals.

さくしゃ2(に) ライトノベル、ソーシャルゲーム、雑誌へのイラスト提供、VTuberのキャラクターデザイン、アパレルブランドとのコラボなど多方面で活躍するイラストレーター。SNSの総フォロワー数は60万人以上を誇る。2020年には自身初となる個展「さくしゃ2ファーストイラスト展~OMEDETA2020~」を開催。和のテイストとストリートファッションを組み合わせたイラストを中心に、注目を集めている。Twitter:@sakusya2hondaInstagram:sakusya2公式サイト:さくしゃ2【Official Site】
「最初からイラストレーターを目指していたわけではなかった」 - さくしゃ2の原点

--- After holding a solo exhibition, Sakusha 2 started full-scale activities as a freelance illustrator in April 2021.When did you start drawing illustrations?

I decided to draw an illustration as a work just before I graduated from college.Until then, he had a hobby as a hobby, and he didn't want to be an illustrator.I was recommended by my junior high school friend, "Ugo memo" ( *), and I made anime, but I just liked drawing the reasons I made at that time.I didn't keep drawing, thinking, "I'll do my best because I want to go on the path of painting in the future."

* Ugo memo: The function mounted on the Nintendo DSI "Huzoku Notepad".You can create simple anime by writing multiple notes

When I was in college, I was enrolled in the history of the Faculty of Literature and studied Oriental history, mainly in China.However, as part of the class, the days of focusing on old materials continued, and I finally went crazy (laughs).For me, I realized that it would be more valuable to move my hand and create a picture than to read a book.

After that, I decided to "spend time in my life to draw my favorite picture," and reconsidered the course after graduating from college.So I wanted to get a creative job in the future and enter a vocational school.While working on the illustration production in front of me, I am now.

--- When you started drawing illustrations as a job, what did you feel different from when you were making illustrations as a hobby?

I think the big difference is the delivery date.If you are a hobby, you can keep drawing until you are satisfied, but the illustrations you draw at work must be finished by the delivery date.

--- Is there anything that is particularly impressive in your work so far?

It is a card illustration provided by a popular app game.It was my first time to draw my own background, so it took a long time to complete ...The illustrations at this time were different from the Japanese taste I had drawn, so I needed to give a Western atmosphere, so I drew small items while referring to many materials.

It is also impressive that he was in charge of the key visual illustration of the performers at the popular VTuber live event held in October this year.I usually see the reaction from fans on Twitter, etc., but on that day I actually went to the event venue.When I saw the people who have the illustrations I drew, I felt rewarding.During the live, my illustrations were shown on the big screen, but I was impressed at that time!

--- When do you feel fun while drawing illustrations?

I feel fun after drawing rather than drawing illustrations.It is the most fun when the work has been released and the person who saw it responded.So, it is very encouraging if you can see the illustrations on Twitter etc.

人気イラストレーターさくしゃ2、創作活動の原点とこれから -「HUAWEI MatePad 11」の使い心地もレビュー!

However, this is also a double -edged sword, and if you feel fun for the first time with the evaluation from a third party, you will be depressed when you do not get a reaction.In such a case, I try to tell myself that it is not very good to stick only to the evaluation.

It may be purely fun to draw illustrations of hobbies that are not related to work for yourself.If I take a lot of rest, I want to draw illustrations for myself.

--- Please tell me what you want to try in the future.

For illustrations, I would like to work on the main visuals of popular vocaloid events held every year.This year's event was in charge of the illustration of collaboration goods, and I was impressed by the fans more than expected.While I was drawing, I was worried that I was worried that I might not be accepted too much.I want to be an illustrator that will someday get the main visual request.

What I want to challenge in my life is to keep learning about it for a lifetime.I want to make money as much as possible, and someday I want to study properly.If you have more knowledge and experience, I think you can level up the illustrations.

「とにかく動作が快適」さくしゃ2が触って感じた「HUAWEI MatePad 11」の使い心地

--- This time, we also tried illustrations using "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11".How was the comfort?

It feels like no complaints!There was no discomfort at all compared to the tablet device I usually use."Did you use" Huawei MatePad 11 "for a long time?I thought it was very smooth, so it was comfortable to use.Also, because the body was light, it was easy to carry and was saved.

I felt that the dedicated stylus pen "HUAWEI M-PENCIL (2nd generation)" was hard to get tired even if I had it for a long time.Also, I am doing a massage that rolls the pen on my finger and stretches my muscles to prevent tendonitis."Huawei M-Pencil (2nd generation)" is a rounded form, so it was easy to roll on your finger.I wonder if I can use this way (laughs).

--- How was the screen and sound of "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11"?

I think the color is very vivid and the image quality is enough for illustration production.Rather, I was surprised when I used it for the first time because the screen was vivid than the terminal I usually use.

I am grateful that the sound quality is excellent because the anime is played with a subscription during the illustration production to make the work BGM.

--- What kind of scene did you want to use "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11"?

I really liked the performance as I would like to use it for work, as well as everyday use.This time, I used Ibis Paint, but there was no problem with the operation.It is cheaper than other tablet devices with about the same specifications, so I think it can be recommended for those who want to challenge digital illustrations in the future.


Sakusha 2 is full of ambitions, saying, "I want to keep learning about my life."We were also curious about "Huawei MatePad 11" and worked on illustration expressions that make use of vivid color development.

The making article of the illustration created by Sakuusa 2 with "Huawei MatePad 11" will be released at a later date!Introducing with drawing videos and discerning points.

"Huawei MatePad 11" was popular by professional illustrators.Why don't you consider purchasing as an accompaniment of illustration production?

Click here for "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11"

[PR] Provided: Huawei Japan