privacy policy

Huawei Technologies Co., LTD.And the affiliated companies under its control (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Huawei" or "our company") respect the customer's privacy.Please read the following for details of our privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy").This policy applies to Huawei websites, products, and services that provide this policy or link to this policy.

This policy describes how Huawei handles your personal information.However, it may not cover all scenarios that handle personal information.In addition to this policy, Huawei may inform you that the product -specific or service -specific data is obtained by prior supplementary policy presentation and notification.

Contents handled by this policy:

1.How to acquire and use personal information

2.Cookies and similar technologies

3.How to disclose personal information

4.Access and management method for personal information

5.How to protect personal information

6.How to process personal information for minors

7.Third Party Provider and its services

8.International relocation of personal information

9.Update this policy

10.How to contact Huawei

1.How to acquire and use personal information

Personal information is a variety of information used to identify individuals together with solo or other information. You will provide the company directly to the Company when using our website, product, and services, or interacting with the Company by creating a Huawei account or in contact with support. We may also acquire data by recording our websites, products and services by our customers. For example, we may use cookies -like technologies or receive data from the software running on your terminal. If you are allowed by law, we may acquire data from public and commercial third -party providers, such as purchasing statistical data from other companies to provide our services. The personal information obtained by the Company includes name, gender, company name, position, address and e -mail address, telephone number, login information (account and password), photos, and certificate information. How this information is acquired depends on the method of interacting with Huawei, such as websites accessed by customers and products and services used by customers. We also get the information provided by the customer and the message sent by the customer. This includes information on inquiries provided by customers and questions and information provided in customer service support.

Before using Huawei products and services, you may need to provide your personal information.In some cases, you may be able to choose not to disclose personal information to Huawei.However, if some data cannot be provided, we may not be able to provide some products or services or may not respond to the arena that occurred.

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

In addition, Huawei may acquire and use personal identification information (non -PII)."Non -PII" refers to information that cannot be identified by use.For example, Huawei obtains statistical data such as the number of accesses to our website.By acquiring such data, we are striving to improve our services according to our needs, knowing how customers use our websites, products and services.Huawei may perform, use, process, relocate, and disclose non -PII at our discretion for other purposes.

We strive to handle your personal information and non -PIIs separately, and promise to use these two types of data separately.Personal information tied to non -PII is also handled as personal information when processing.


Huawei processes your personal information based on the request of the Applicable Legal and regulations based on the appropriate legal basis, which includes the following:

2. Cookies and similar technologies

In order to guarantee the normal movement of the website, we may store small data called "cookies" on your computer or mobile terminal.A cookie is a text file that a web server saves on a computer or mobile terminal.The contents of the cookies cannot be obtained or read unless the cookie is created.Usually, cookies textbooks consist of identifier, site names, numbers and character strings.Cookies are unique to browsers or mobile applications used by customers, and websites can save data on your preferences and items in shopping carts.

Like many other websites and Internet service providers, Huawei uses cookies to improve user experience. Session cookies are deleted every time access is completed, but permanent cookies are continuously used over multiple accesses. The website allows you to remember settings such as the language, font size, or other browser settings on your computer, the language of your computer, or other browser settings. This eliminates the need for customers to redo the settings every time they access. If you do not use cookies, you will be recognized as new users every time you read a web page. For example, if the customer is redirected to another web page from a website that has been logged in and returns to the original website, the customer must log in again because it is not recognized as an existing user.

Huawei does not use cookies for the purpose that is not listed in this policy.Customers can manage and delete cookies on their own.For details, information.Please see Org.You can erase all cookies stored on your computer.Many web browsers also offer options to block cookies.However, if you block cookies, you need to change the settings every time when you use our website.You can check below for how to manage your browser cookie settings.Internet ExplorerGoogle Chromemozilla Firefoxsafariopera

In addition to cookies, we may use other similar technologies such as web beacon and pixel tags on websites. For example, if a customer receives an email from Huawei, it may include a "click -through URL" linked to the Huawei web page. Clicking on the link can track the customer's access, know the customer's preference for products and services, and use it to improve our customer service. Web beacon is a transparent image embedded on websites and emails. We use pixel tags in the email to see if the email has been opened. If you refuse such tracking, you can always cancel the Huawei mailing list.

By using our website, you agree to use the above cookies, web beacon, and pixel tags.

3.How to disclose personal information

If Huawei's certified partner provides services, Huawei share your personal information with your partner, as described in this policy.For example, if you buy online from Huawei, we need to share personal information with logistics traders and partners that provide services.In addition, we may share personal information with Huawei affiliates and subsidiaries as a global company.

To comply with applicable laws and regulations, or to respond to valid legal procedures, Huawei may disclose your personal information to government -related authorities, such as law enforcement agencies.If Huawei is involved in reconstruction, merger acquisition, bankruptcy or clearing lawsuit in a specific law, your personal information may be disclosed in connection with its legal activities.Huawei may disclose personal information as appropriate to fulfill the terms of use.This includes cases where we think that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial damage, or when it is related to actual illegal or suspected surveys.

4.Access and management method for personal information

Customers are responsible for confirming that all personal information provided to Huawei is accurate.Huawei is striving to maintain the accuracy and integrity of personal information and keep the information up to date.

As far as the applicable laws and regulations are obliged, the customer has the right to access certain personal information that we maintain for the customer, and (II) we can request that information to update or correct the incorrect.(III) You can claim or limit the use of your personal information by our company, and (IV) You can ask our company to delete your personal information from our database.To exercise these rights, give feedback here.In order to ensure security, you may need to be billed by customer's writing.If the claim is fraudulent or cannot be executed, or if there is a reasonable reason that it may be risky to expose the privacy of other customers, we may refuse the claim.

If you are permitted by the Applicable Act, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when Huawei processes personal information based on your consent.However, withdrew, the legitimacy or effectiveness of the method in which the Company processes personal information based on the consent of the customer before the withdrawal is not affected.In addition, it is not affected by the processing of data based on the legitimate reason other than the customer consent.

If we believe that the Company does not process personal information in compliance with the applied data protection law, you may contact the relevant data protection authorities.EU customers are http: // EC.EUROPA.EU/Justice/Article-29/Structure/Data-Protection-Authorities/Index_en.In HTM, you can get information to contact the EU data protection agency.

5.How to protect and preserve personal information

We emphasize the security of your personal information.We are taking physical, management, and technically appropriate measures to protect your personal information from fraudulent access, disclosure, use, change, damage, and loss.For example, we adopt an encryption technology that ensures data confidentiality, protection mechanisms that prevent attacks, and access management mechanisms that allow only authority access to personal information.In addition, we are raising awareness of personal information protection by conducting security and personal information protection training to employees.Huawei is striving to protect your personal information, but please note that there is nothing perfect for security measures.

The Company does not maintain your personal information more than necessary for the purpose described in this policy. However, the extension of the maintenance period of personal information is excluded when the law is required or recognized by the law. The data retention period varies depending on the situation, product and service. The standards used by Huawei to determine the maintenance period are as follows: Time required to hold personal information to carry out business purposes (such as providing products and services), relevant transactions and business Maintenance of records, managing and improving the performance and quality of products and services, ensuring the security of systems, products and services, conducting inquiries or complaints from customers, investigating problems, and extending the holding period. Whether or not there are special requirements for maintaining data by law and contracts. We will maintain your registered information as long as you need your account to provide services. You can select the registration of your account. After the customer deletes the account registration, we will stop providing products and services through accounts, and delete the customer's personal information unless otherwise stipulated due to special legal requirements for deletion.

6.How to process personal information for minors

Our websites, products and services are mainly for adults.Minors shall not create a Huawei account without the consent of parents or guardians.When obtaining the personal information of a minor with consent from the parents in advance, we need to explicitly obtain consent from the parents or guardian of the minors, or to protect minors., Use or disclose the information only for the methods permitted by law.The Company will try to delete the information as soon as the parents have accidentally obtained the personal information of a minor without prior consent.

7.Third Party Provider and its services

In order to improve user experience, customers may provide content or weballinks by third -partys other than Huawei and Huawei partners.Huawei has no authority to manage the third party, but you can use links, display content, and access products and services provided by third parties.

The Huawei is not eligible for this policy because the third party's personal information protection and privacy policy cannot be managed.When customers provide personal information to the third party, please read the third party's privacy policy carefully.

8.International relocation of personal information

The personal information of the customer acquired by Huawei, a global company, will be processed and accessed in countries and regions that use our products and services, or Huawei, Huawei related companies, subsidiaries, services. It may be processed and accessed in other countries and regions where providers and business partners are located. In these areas, the Data Protection Law may differ. In such a situation, Huawei will take measures to process data in accordance with the requests of this policy and applicable laws and regulations. For example, when the data -based personal information is relocated to a country or region that the EU committee deems to have sufficient data protection, the Company concludes the standard contract provisions approved by the EU Committee. Various legal mechanisms may be used, such as obtaining consent from inside the EU area for the transfer of data abroad, and implementing security measures such as anonymization of personal information before the transfer of data outside the country. Please request here to get a copy of the EU standard contract clause.

9.Update this policy

Huawei has the right to update or change this policy from time to time.If there is a change, release the latest privacy policy on this page.If there is a significant change in the privacy policy, we may notify customers through various ways, such as posting notifications on our website or sending customers directly to customers.

10.How to contact Huawei

If you have any complaints or problems with your questions, opinions, personal information protection, or if you would like to contact Huawei's Data Protection Officer (DPO), PrivacyJP@Huawei.Please contact COM.

When Huawei processes your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy, our group company that responds to customer demands, contacts customers, provides products and services, and concludes contracts with customers.We will manage related personal information.

Last update: May 2018