Multi -Value DB developed Simant, Sea Drown raised 70 million yen from DRAPER NEXUS and IDATEN V — — Full -scale expansion to RPA and IoT area

Symant, which develops and provides the multi -value database product "Simount Box", announced on September 11 that it has raised a total of 70 million yen from the Draper Nexus Ventures and IDATEN Ventures in the Sea Doun.DRAPER NEXUS has revealed that it has invested in Shimant in February this year, and this time it will be the announcement of the sep -round procurement implementation.Not to mention DRAPER NEXUS again, there are no websites for IDATEN VENTURES, so it is a fund run by Kenta Adachi, who is engaged in investing in Mistletoe and Visionaire Ventures.

Shimant was established in August 2014 by former mega banker Rei Wada (now CEO) and Shigeki Watanabe (now CTO) in a database.

Generally speaking, a database will come to your mind in the head of many people.The set of two -dimensional database records composed of rows and columns is configured in multiple tables, and it is operated from SQL language, his GUI, web application, and Classava app.On the other hand, in the multi -value database, multiple records for one key in RDB can be collected into a group.If you know the database, the explanation that you do not need "JOIN" (Mr. Wada), which does not need "JOIN" to search for a record by crossing and combining multiple tables, will be the easiest to understand.

Corporate planning, which is close to the management of companies, is often required to report the results of numerical and analyzing businesses to the upper layers in order to support management decision -making.Collect data by crossing multiple systems such as core, information system, SFA system (Sales Force Automation), MA system (MARKETING AUTOMATION), and for example, unique keys (for example, customer IDs or banks.The data is linked by the account number.If these data is organized in one database, the story is quick, but the information system is all different from the database, but also OS, data formatting, and unique keys.

Furthermore, it is the dirt of the data that makes things more difficult.Even if you just create a list of New Year's cards, it may be difficult to contain multiple data from the same person, but this kind of data is named or cleansed, and companies have a huge amount of data.I have to do it.

マルチバリューDB開発のシマント、シードラウンドでDraper NexusとIDATEN Vから7,000万円を調達——RPAとIoT領域への展開を本格化

In the first place, it would be nice if the accumulation and analysis work of this series of data could be systematized, but it was necessary to operate an engineer in the system department to create one batch process that extracts data.In other words, it is necessary to place an order for the system department from the corporate planning department to the system department.In many companies, the system department is busy working closer to customers, so it is unlikely that you will be undertaken the work of the corporate planning department (or the work priority is low).

Thus, in the corporate planning department, the person in charge manages to pull it out of each system, collect with the cooperation of other departments, and analyze it in a local desktop or laptop environment.The data will be a file, so the person in charge will repeat the same work every time as needed.

Simant develops the Simount Box to automate this series of tasks.Data stored outside your database area can be handled virtually as if it were in your database.It has a separate row data (data itself) and metadata (equivalent to data index or database queries), and the person in charge does not need to put a low data at hand, so compliance with corporate information compliance.It's easy to do.It is also possible to prepare multiple metadata patterns for one low data.

Even more great is that the user interface of the Simount Box is Excel.The person in charge of the corporate planning division can collect and analyze data that crosses multiple systems freely on the spread seats of Excel, which is usually used, and can change the conditions through trial and error.Saving the Excel file does not remain in the local environment.

When he asked Mr. Wada about the development of the SIMOUNT BOX, he told me as follows, remembering his experience at a megabank.

In Japan, where the working population is declining, the word RPA (Robotics Process Automation), which is gradually heard, is supported by management that is required to make decision making rather than more efficient routine work.It is Wada's idea that by returning the resources of empty core human resources to the site, the basics of corporate business management will be more solid.

In the RPA field, RPA technology, which develops the automated business solution "Biz Robo", precedes, but in the case of Simount Box, it will improve the work of a white -collar layer that requires decision making rather than automating on -site work.By the approach of returning them to the site (and letting them grow the human resources in the field), it may not be a direct competition, or coexisting and complementing functions.It was not.

The other day, when I visited THE GARAGE in Kabuto -cho, a Shimant logo was listed at the entrance, but Shimant was adopted by the second phase of MUFG DIGITAL accelerator and was held on July 28.It seems that the content of collaboration with the MUFG group will be announced in the demo decoration.The details will be given to the BRIDGE for this content.

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