The ripples brought about by NVIDIA's acquisition of Arm, what is the state of affairs with "Arm architecture" restrictions? NVIDIA's "Arm acquisition drama" [part two]

 It is also possible to choose an IT vendor to sever the relationship with Arm. However, this decision is not an easy task. "the long-term question is whether you can create the same thing alone, or find an alternative. The answer is yes, and both can be achieved. But if it were simple, there is no doubt that they would have done it already, "Peltz Sharp said."

 "with US companies also worried about the impact of the acquisition, there will be a much bigger rebound against the acquisition in China." The predictor is Asina Carney, vice president of the global infrastructure practice team at IDC, a research firm. Through this acquisition, NVIDIA will become a semiconductor supplier that not only manufactures its own semiconductors, but also designs them. At the same time, licensing the Arm architecture to NVIDIA's competitors, especially those like Huawei Technologies, may be a problem for NVIDIA.

NVIDIAのArm買収で広がる波紋 「Armアーキテクチャ」制限の事態も?:NVIDIAによる混迷の「Arm買収劇」【後編】

 Nadkani says Huawei is developing its own GPU (graphics processing unit) to compete with NVIDIA. On the other hand, Huawei and Arm collaborate in China through Arm's affiliated companies. If NVIDIA controls Arm, Arm and Huawei will become competitors. As a Chinese company, Huawei may also restrict its business with Arm according to the regulations of the US government.

 "Chinese companies have always relied on Arm," Nadkani explains. Arm is a British company, not an American company, with a joint venture in China to join Arm Capital. "thanks to its joint venture, Chinese companies have escaped sanctions imposed by the US government on China," he said. If the American company NVIDIA becomes the parent company of Arm, Arm's joint venture in China may lose its independence. "in order to avoid this situation, I don't know what the Chinese side will say about NVIDIA, but it will get tough." (he)

 It is not just Huawei that is licensed by Arm IP (intellectual property). "several emerging semiconductor suppliers in China may also be affected by NVIDIA's acquisition of Arm," said Jack Gold, president of IT consulting firm J.Gold Associates and an analyst at Principal.

 The authorities' judgment on approving the acquisition is likely to be greatly delayed because of calls for a backlash against the acquisition in both Europe and the US. "even if the acquisition is established, you can't do anything stupid. It will be a time-consuming process." (Goldsmith)

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