"RT-N66U" is "buy"! -amazingly high-performance 11n wireless LAN router close to NAS

Wi-Fi routers can buy this! Recommend a full load of "RT-N66U"

 Since the next generation of wireless LAN standard "IEEE802.11ac" was officially recognized in January, wireless LAN routers that support 11ac have come out one after another. But to achieve the greatest boon of 11ac-high-speed communication, not only wireless LAN routers, PC and smartphones and other extensions must support 11ac. For this reason, some people dare to consider 11n-enabled wireless LAN routers as alternative candidates for wireless LAN devices, rather than 11ac.

「RT-N66U」は“買い”だ! —NASに迫る驚異の高機能11n無線LANルーター

 Recommended to such people is Asustek's 11n wireless LAN router "RT-N66U". Speaking of Asustek, Android tablet "Nexus7", notebook computers, homemade PC accessories and other high-quality products are also very familiar in Japan. In fact, in foreign countries, very high-performance wireless LAN routers have been launched. Because of the rich communication speed and functions, it is also well known as the manufacturer that produces the top products.

 Therefore, this time, the function and ease of use of RT-N66U, as well as the method of active use are introduced. "is 11ac still early? "those who are thinking about it must make reference to it.

Asustek supports 11n wireless LAN router "RT-N66U", which supports up to 450Mbps high-speed communication and rich features.

無線LAN機能(5GHz帯)IEEE 802.11n/11a(最大450Mbps)
無線LAN機能(2.4GHz帯)IEEE 802.11n/g/b(最大450Mbps)
インターフェースUSB 2.0端子×2
対応OSWindows XP以降、Mac OS X、Linux、TCP/IPに対応したOS