Refreshing Isle Blue gets a lot of attention!Is "Huawei MatePad 11" the latest tablet that is easy to use for creators?

Digital illustrations that are popular regardless of professional ama.The working environment has changed drastically with the appearance of a stylus pen specializing in recent spread of tablet devices and illustration production.Many creators will be able to draw illustrations anywhere, regardless of location, and have a lot of hobbies and work time.

For those who are drawing illustrations using such a tablet device, Huawei MatePad 11 released from Huawei in July.The bright Isle blue is eye -catching and has a high -spec function that is easy to use for creators.It is a product that can be recommended for those who think that it is difficult to draw unless it is the same environment as a PC. "

So, this time, I tried the illustration and skills that I was drawing as a hobby using "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11".


The first thing that impressed me with "Huawei MatePad 11" was the design of the terminal.The back is a refreshing Isle blue color so that it is transparent, and it is fashionable enough without covering it.The weight is about 485g and the thickness is 7.25mm, so you can not get tired even if you draw an illustration while holding it for a long time.

The screen size is 10.95 inches despite being compact.The occupation rate of the screen is about 86 %, and there is no waste, and the display looks bigger than I imagined.

The resolution of the liquid crystal panel is 2,560 x 1,600 pixels, and the color range is wide, so it seems that you can enjoy not only illustration production but also video viewing.In addition, the operation is crisp due to the high refresh rate of 120Hz, which is twice as much as the general display.Even if I ran a little pen, I was able to enjoy the feeling of writing on the paper, and I was looking forward to painting it immediately.

「HUAWEI M-Pencil (第2世代)」があれば鬼に金棒!

Speaking of digital illustration production, stylus pen is indispensable.If you want to use "Huawei MatePad 11", the recommendation is "Huawei M-Pencil (2nd generation)".

The cooperation with the tablet device is simply attached to "Huawei M-Pencil (2nd generation)" on the side of "Huawei MatePad 11", and there is no need for a troublesome initial setting.When you actually hold it, the rounded body with sandblasting is easy to fit in your hand and is hard to slip.The tip of the pen is transparent, it is easy to understand the part where the pen is placed even during work, and the pen tip operation is low, so there is no difficulty in drawing and stress due to operation.

「HUAWEI MatePad 11」でイラストを描いてみた!

After checking the design, I practiced immediately.I will actually draw illustrations using "Huawei MatePad 11" and "Huawei M-Pencil (2nd generation)".

The OS of "Huawei MatePad 11" is HARMONY OS unique to Huawei.Various illustration production software such as "Mediban Paint" and "Ibis Paint" can be installed.This time, I tried using "Mediban Paint" that can be used for free!

The first thing I was impressed with when I was drawing was the comfort.Rather than drawing in the back of the screen, it is a feeling that is drawn directly on the screen surface.Because it is close to an analog drawing environment, even those who try digital illustrations for the first time should have less discomfort.If you combine it with a screen protective film that reproduces the texture of paper, such as a paper -like film, it will be even easier to draw.

さわやかなアイルブルーが目を引く! 「HUAWEI MatePad 11」はクリエイターにも使いやすい最新タブレットなのか?

When producing illustrations on a tablet device, it is also a good place to adjust the screen magnification with your fingertips."HUAWEI MATEPAD 11" has a smooth pinch -in and pinch -out movement, and the screen during the work can be made into an ideal magnification in an instant.

In addition, since it supports pen pressure sensitivity, the shade is also free.In particular, the color was able to change the color only with the pen pressure, so the work was smooth.

If I noticed after I started working, I left the pen for about 3 hours, but I was almost tired of my fingertips.If you use a square pen, your fingers often hurt, but in "Huawei M-Pencil (2nd generation)", which fits your hands firmly, you were immersed in illustration production without feeling much fatigue.

And here is the completed illustration.It was so easy to use that I could not imagine it as a equipment to use for the first time, and I was able to get used to it immediately.

The tablet body is light and easy to carry, so it seems that work will be faster not only at home but also on the go.It is also recommended for manuscripts that gather with hobby friends and draw illustrations.It is also attractive that the operation is light and it does not take time to start the illustration software.If you carry it around, you will be able to start working immediately when a creative idea comes to mind.


I would like to recommend the multi -screens collaboration function for those who usually make illustrations on a PC.( *) If you use the multi -screen collaboration function, you can use "mirroring" and tablets that can display the PC screen on the tablet as an expansion display.In other words, it is possible to reproduce the environment where you draw with a liquid tab or the like with "Huawei MatePad 11".

* The multi -screen collaboration function is supported only by a specific Huawei Matebook PC that runs PC Manager 11.1 (or later).

Also, with the multi -screen collaboration function, you can easily share files on each device, so you can quickly share the completed illustrations to your PC.

「HUAWEI MatePad 11」で仕事や趣味の時間が充実!

"HUAWEI MATEPAD 11" can be connected not only to a tablet alone but also to a PC and other screens.It was a very easy -to -use and high -performance product that I would recommend to beginners not only for creators but also for digital illustrations.

In addition, this time, I introduced Illustrations mainly, but the sound quality of the speakers and the image quality of the display are perfect quality.Why don't you take it once together with "HUAWEI M-PENCIL (2nd generation)"?

Click here for "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11"


An illustration contest commemorating the release of "Huawei MatePad 11" is being held.We are looking for illustrations with the theme of "a little extraordinary".Naoki Saito, a popular illustrator, will be the judge, and will be a gorgeous gift for winners of the Best Awards and Excellence Award!Why don't you apply at this opportunity?

◆募集期間8月30日(月)~9月30日(木)23:59コンテスト結果発表:10月中旬頃を予定しております。◆募集イラストテーマ「ちょっとした非日常」をテーマにしたイラスト◆応募資格下記の条件を満たしていれば、どなたでも応募することができます。※プロ・アマは問いません。・イラストはタブレット端末を使用して描いたもの(タブレット端末の機種は問いません)・投稿者が応募作品を制作された本人であること・投稿者が日本国内にお住まいであること・本応募要項すべて同意した個人の方※未成年の方は、本応募要項への保護者の同意を得た上でご応募ください。◆応募方法Twitterにて指定のハッシュタグ「#ファーウェイ夏のイラコン2021」をつけて、タイトル名とともにイラストを投稿していただきます。◆作品規定必ずタブレット端末を使用して描いたイラストが選考の対象になります。※イラストを描く際に使用するタブレット端末の機種は問いません。画像形式:JPEG,GIF,PNG形式投稿画像サイズ:サイズに上限は設けません。◆選考方法応募されたイラストの中からさいとうなおきさんの厳正なる審査によって最優秀作品・優秀作品を選定いたします。※最優秀作品・優秀作品に選ばれた作品は後日マイナビニュース記事内にてご紹介させていただきます。◆受賞商品最優秀作品(1名様)「HUAWEI MatePad 11」・HUAWEI M-Pencil (第2世代)優秀作品(2名様)Amazonギフト券 10,000円分ファーウェイ夏のイラコン2021に参加しよう!イラストコンテストの詳細はコチラ

[PR] Provided: Huawei Japan