"Time strategy" for the housing design "Misumi Frames" further evolved, version upgrade, additional product expansion / Additional company release

Category: Product service

筐体設計に「時間戦略」を 『MISUMI FRAMES』さらに進化、バージョンアップで機能拡張・商品追加 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Missmi Group Headquarters Co., Ltd.

-In response to high requests with the top 40 % of the customer questionnaire, the convenience of software is improved -Missmi Group Headquarters Co., Ltd. 1) The version upgrade of the design software "Misumi Frames" will be upgraded on September 25 (Fri). In response to many customers' requests, the default setting function of the conclusion components used for frame assembly is expanded, and additional products of the "reinforcement frame bracket (*2)" that enables stronger designs. To do. (*1) Machine and electrical equipment exterior, (*2) Installation brackets for concluding the frame ■ Misumi Frames developed quickly in February 2020, in response to customer voices. It is a free installation software that allows you to design a housing such as an aluminum frame easily with an aluminum frame. Automatically automates work that takes time (*3) from design to ordering (*3). It will be realized. With the rating of convenience, the number of users exceeded 15,000 in about six months from the start of service. Approximately 800 people responded in the customer satisfaction questionnaire survey conducted after the service started, and promptly developed the product and functions that received the highest request of the top 40 %, and implemented the version upgrade. increase. (*3) Our research. Compared to the traditional CAD design 1) Function expansion: The default settings for "Bolt Nutset" Misumi Frames automatically select the signing parts used for frame assembly. The setting of the bolt nut, which is a conclusion part, was previously fixed in the set of "preceding nuts (*5)", but in response to the request to select a set of "Getting Nut (*6)". Then, the default setting function has been added. This reduces order mistakes due to the trouble of changing the product and the omission. (*5) Because it is inserted from the frame cross section before assembling, there is little play inside the groove and strongly tightened (*6) After assembly, it can be installed from the groove and can be easily added as needed 2) Additional products are added: Reinforcement: Reinforcement. Attachment bracket for concluding the frame bracket frame. By using a frame bracket for reinforcement, it enables diagonal frame arrangement in addition to right angles, achieving more than double strength. It is used for a gantry that puts heavy objects. 12 model number (*4) x 9 patterns can be selected for a total of 108 types of products exported data designed with Misumi Frames, and eliminates the trouble of adding a reinforcement frame bracket on CAD (** 4) A unique ID number that identifies the product ■ How to reflect the version upgrade method September 25 (Friday) After starting Misumi Frames as usual after PM15: 00, the update will be performed automatically. No reinstallation work is required. ■ "MISUMI FRAMES" is a free installation software that allows you to design products such as an aluminum frame easily using an aluminum frame. Equipped with a wide variety of products used for the aluminum frame and the housing design, automating the time -consuming work is automated, and with the following features, a maximum time reduction from design to order is realized compared to the design that uses the conventional CAD. To do. CAD data is equipped with CAD data, and it is not necessary to change the model number according to the automatic selection design and change the model number according to the design change, which is used for unnecessary download imports of the previously required CAD data. The assembly drawing and parts list are automatically created, and after the design is to prevent model numbers and mistakes in quantity mistakes, an immediate estimate is made in the software..misumi-EC.COM/SPECIAL/ALUMIFRAME/Frames/PR/Video: [What is Misumi?] Machine parts, tools and consumables required in the manufacturing site are sold more than 300,000 global companies required in the manufacturing site.It has a face as a manufacturer with a manufacturing function and a trading company that sells other brands.The unique business model and the business base to support it have realized the “reliable short delivery time” and contributes to the improvement of the convenience of manufacturing customers.≪Reference material ≫ ■ Changing design using "Misumi Frames" to PRTIMES Top to Press Release Details


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.