UQ, WiMAX + 5G price plan starts on November 25 -Furu per month 4,268 yen

UQMOBILE Communications will launch a WiMAX + 5G service price plan "Giga Unlimited Mobile Router Plan" and "Giga Unlimited Plus Home Router Plan" on November 25.The monthly fee is 5,005 yen, which uses two years of automatic renewal and applies "WiMAX + 5G to start" for 25 months to 4,268 yen per month.

UQ、WiMAX +5Gの料金プランを11月25日より提供開始 - 実質月額4,268円

With the launch of both plans, the new application for "Giga Unlimited Plus" will end.Users who have a Giga Unlimited Plus can continue to use it, but if you want to receive an au Smart Value / UQ Mobile home set discount described later, either a mobile router plan / home router plan after November 25.It is necessary to change to.

The target router model of the mobile router plan is "Speed Wi-Fi 5G X11" and "Galaxy 5g Mobile Wi-Fi", and the router model for the home router plan is "Speed Wi-Fi HOME HOME 5G L12" and "L11".

In addition, the WiMAX + 5G service has a "standard mode" that can be used in the 5G / 4G LTE area of some au, a part of au, and a "standard mode" that can use high -speed communication in a wider area.There is.The usage fee for this plus area mode is 1,100 yen per month (no application is required, and only the month when the plus area mode is used is incurred).The monthly data capacity of the plus area mode is 15GB.

Both plans are the target service of au Smart Value / UQ Mobile home set, and if you apply au Smart Value / UQ Mobile home set discount, the usage fee for plus area mode is free, and the home router plan is further.Then, the monthly data capacity of the plus area mode is 30GB.