"Wena 3" review.It's not for everyone, but it's the only one and ultimate romantic !!

 If you combine it, the mechanical watch will evolve into a smartwatch!

 Wena project born from Sony's new business platform "First Flight".We will review the Wena Wrist's latest model and purchase the WENA 3, a wearable terminal that has been compatible with Suica that users did not want to be eager.


  • 2 Points that stumbled in "Wena 3", solutions, etc.
  • 3 General commentary
  • "Wena 3" review


     This unit is a product that has a built -in smartwatch function in the band of the watch.In the cosmetic box, there are the main body, charging connector, cable, and various instructions.

     Built -in various meters such as optical heart rate sensors.Charging is just like covering the charging connector on the heart rate sensor.It is slightly harder, but it is smooth when you get used to it.

     This time, I chose the black of "Wena 3 Leather".

     In the case of "Wena 3 METAL", a special tool is required for frame adjustment, and it is easier to bring it to a watch repair shop.However, in the case of "Wena 3 Leather", the work is completed only by removing the spring rod.I didn't have to go to the store.

     When the leather band is passed through the spring rod, it is fixed tightly and there is no glance.Note that the see -through back clocks will block the back because it will crawl on the back.If you want to see the watch from the back, select "Wena 3 Metal".

     You can connect and manage by installing the Wena app on the smartphone side.As will be described later, the setup is quite addictive, but I think that you can clear it by reading the included instruction manual and this article.


     The most notable is the response to Suica.The long -awaited function from the first generation.The sensitivity of FeliCa, which I was worried about, is also quite good.This is too happy!

     The watch is attached to the left hand, but it is possible to pass the ticket gate.However, with Apple Watch, you can easily pass by turning the back of your hand and easily pass, but Wena 3 remains the same, so you can get a little in the form when passing the ticket gate.I change the screen display from the Wena app to the right hand.Please according to your liking.

     Both the initial settings and charge are possible from the Wena 3 app.SUICA instead of Mobile Suica, charge via Google Pay.

     Like Garmin Watch, the initial charge limit of Suica is 5,000 yen, and if you charge it once and use it for about 2 weeks, the upper limit can be raised to 20,000 yen.

     Other payments such as Edy, ID, and QuicPay other than Suica require initial settings from conventional iOS -only Osaiflink apps.I set Edy for the time being.We use Android devices and Wena 3 paired and use.


     This time, it supports the new Sony subsidiary of QRIO, the service "QRIO LOCK".Compatible with unlock/locking keys.

    Qrio Lock (キュリオロック) スマホで自宅カギを解施錠できるスマートロック Q-SL2Qrio

     The QRIO LOCK has a physical remote control version called QRIO KEY, apart from the smartphone app version.Wena 3 can be registered as this QRIO Key.

     It can be easily unlocked from the screen.

     It is stupid to carry a remote control that only works as a key, so I am glad that you can integrate the function to a watch.You don't have to open the smartphone version QRIO app, and even if the smartphone battery runs out or when the automatic lock unlocking with location information does not work, it can be unlocked simply by touching the arm, so it is easy.。

     The Theory is to prepare multiple options and operate stable operation without relying on one option.Wena 3 is convenient as one of them.


     After all, the real pleasure of Wena is that the ultra -class romantic that can "modernize traditional traditional mechanical watches" is obtained.Forbidden fusion of analog gadgets and digital gadgets.Too emo.

     The best solution that eliminates the worries of wristwatch enthusiasts, saying, "I like analog watches, but I like smart watches, but it's crazy to put both."Even though the times change, my favorite "branded luxury watches bought with the starting salary and bonuses", "Quartz -style watches that I like design", "Mechanical watches that are important to see parents" are convenient.You can keep using it.Clock nerd!Buy everyone!

     By the way, it is likely that the magnetism is concerned when combined with the clock, but in the successive Wena series, the magnetic field near the vibration motor is generally below the problem line, and there should be no particular problem.


     I think the basic user interface on the wena side is simple and well -knocked and well -formed.It is good that it is unified in a black tone.You can put up to three shortcuts on the home screen, so you will check the time in a wristwatch, so delete it and display Suica, Edy, and Qrio.Alexa launch is assigned by pressing and holding the power button.

     The screen is accurately displayed when the back of the hand is up.Still, it has an overwhelming battery that will bring you for more than a week.A mechanical watch that can be used as you walk, and a long -driven Wena 3 synergy.good.

     The notification function is only for notification, and cannot be performed from the Wena side such as deleting individual notifications.The same goes for the schedule.It is necessary to divide the notification/management management and viewing from the smartphone side, but I am not particularly troubled.

     I feel that the vibration may be slightly cheaper.The vibe time is set short from the Wena app, but I hope it can be a little shorter.In addition, it is a good point that the vibe sounds when placed on the desk, so it can be set so that it does not sound.

     As will be described later, the measurement is not accurate, and the software is rough.It can be said that if you are a wristwatch, smart bands are obedient, you should buy Wena 3, but if you are not particular about the watch and are not attracted to Wena's battery, other smartwatches.It may be good.Apple Watch and Garmin are also Suica.


     Yes, being able to make payments with Wena means that the need to incorporate FeliCa on the smartphone body is no longer weakened.I personally feel dissatisfied with "I don't know the romance that goes through the ticket gate with a tablet.", I can blow away such dissatisfaction.The best.

     In other words, it is absolutely smarter to do a quick and big folding smartphone from the pocket and pass the payment / ticket gate.

     Regardless of whether or not the FeliCa is installed, you can choose a global terminal or a domestic terminal that is not localized, so that the gadget that can be carried around will be expanded.This is also a great advantage of Wena.

    Points that stumbled in "Wena 3", solutions, etc.

     The biggest drawback is that this unit has continued to shine in concept hardware design from the first generation, and although it has evolved with new functions, the software has a rough impression.

     Below, I wrote the solution while listing the stumbling points, so please refer to it.


     You can log in with the SONY account, but you can't log in no matter how many times you do.You can reset your password from the Wena3 login screen, so you can't log in from there.The account lock has been hung because I tried too much.

     I was told by the Wena official, but I couldn't sign in with my sony ID as it was, and first needed a "Sign -in ID with my Sony ID and the Sony Group account".Some other people were in trouble with the same event, so please refer to this.

     Also, it is said that you may not be able to log in to an account because you try too much, and once you log in again with another network, it may work.

     In addition, registration/login is possible with Apple ID and Facebook account.When I did it with Apple ID, I was able to easily create an account.


     Suica can be issued/charged smoothly on Android and iOS.At this time, Google Pay is required.It will be charged with a credit card via Google Pay.I don't think it's a problem here.

     It is a Suica, not a mobile Suica in Osaifu -Keitai, and does not support commuter passes and green tickets.

     I personally don't use it regularly, and I think it's enough because it can be used for JRE points and Shinkansen.


     The problem is the Osaiflink app.Except for Suica, an Osaiflink app with only iOS version is required.This is the biggest challenge.

     There are few payment services available from Osaiflinks.Some services that cannot be newly registered, and those that claim to end the service next spring.I wanted to use QuicPay, but the QUICPay for mobile is not compatible with my card issuer.Impression that it is severe.

     In the first place, the Osaiflink itself is for FeliCa jacket that connects to iOS.Shortly after this appeared, the iPhone 7 was equipped with FeliCa, which became a flower of the times.Because we are diverting it, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of things that can not be reached.I have no choice but to support Wena 4, which has been renewed around here.

     For the time being, I linked Rakuten Edy.There is no problem with registration.There are multiple charge methods.There is also a way to charge it over an Android smartphone that supports Osaifu -Keitai.We plan to operate with Suica and Edy.

    Postscript: In order to use Rakuten Edy "Accumulate Points by using" and "Migration for failures/stolen/loss", in addition to the initial setting and charge with Osaiflink, "Serve points from Osaiflink".You need to execute.If you forget this, the Android group will need to initialize Wena3, so be sure to keep it.(This has also initialized Wena3)


     IOS is required for the initial setting for payment, but when that is the case, Android is the main machine for the iOS.

     However, Wena 3 does not support multi -pairing and cannot be paired to Android smartphone.Wena 3 must be initialized once.

     Of course, there is no problem with electronic money such as Edy even if Wena's software is initialized, so the settings and balance in FeliCa remain.

     At this time, I felt that the pairing might have a habit.If you have connected with one or more, you may not be able to pair new pairing immediately after the initialization.

     The trick is to cut the Bluetooth other than the smartphone to be connected, and delete the Wena3 -related connection settings for new pairing terminals.If you keep in mind here, you can pair.

     I feel that it is easy to use because it can be used without any problems even if multiple units are connected to Garmin.I hope Wena will support multi -pairing.


     In the scene of logging in to Alexa's Amazon account, I was told that there was no account, but if I look closely, Wena3 is looking for Amazon.com account.It is common sense if you have experienced personal imports, but the Amazon.com account and the Amazon.co.jp account are separately treated.For this reason, if you do not have it, register a new Amazon.com account.

     Initially, Alexa could only be used in English even from the Wena app to Japanese, but if you install the Alexa app and specify the language and the current location, you can use it safely.The notification alarm timer and reminder function will be updated at a later date, so Alexa is currently using only for weather forecasts.

     If you restart the smartphone side, it will be complicated that Alexa will be reconnected to Wena 3.I want a brush -up here for regular use.

    Qrio Lock

     Registration in the QRIO Lock app will be registered as QRIO KEY, so you will not be able to use functions such as "unlocking when you approach the house".Operate the screen above Wena 3 and unlock it.

     I do not trust the automatic unlock/lock with a smartphone app using GPS, so even if I touch my arm, just unlock/lock it can save the trouble of putting in and out of the keys in my wallet.I think that is as expected.


     The activity meter feels slightly lower accuracy.In particular, sleep time measurement is not working at the moment.Since the sleep time is about 3 hours every day, is it in sleep during measurement?

     In addition, it is troublesome to start the app and press the synchronization button for the synchronization of the activity meter.

     At the moment, life logs are still incomplete.I want to wait for the update to correct.Postscript: We have confirmed that sleep time detection is improved and accuracy has been confirmed in version 1.52jp.


     It was difficult when putting a spring rod or wearing a band on Wena 3.Let's do it carefully while reading the manual.If you find it difficult, you can rely on a watch repair shop.

     Another thing to keep in mind is that "MAMORIO (a function to search for a clock when lost) is provided by update at a later date."

    General commentary

     It's regrettable because it's really worth it.This is useless.

     I want you to improve it and be accepted by a wider range of people.I really think so.In particular, for payment parts other than Suica, it can be said that drastic improvements in the next model are essential.

     At the moment, I think that the weak point of "Wena 3" has not yet been removed for enthusiasts, but conversely, I feel "WENA 3" the amount of heat that can overcome the complexity and roughness of these settings.Core nerds such as watch lovers who can do things and global terminal lovers who can resonate with romantic should be challenged.If you can get over it, it will be really fun to wear a wristwatch if you can divide them.

     A mechanical wristwatch that can be moved for decades if you maintain it and use it carefully.I want Wena to keep publishing products for a long time.

    ソニー ウェナ SONY wena スマートウォッチ 電子マネー Suica Alexa搭載 活動量計 iOS/Android対応 wena 3 leather Brown WNW-C21A/Tソニーソニー ウェナ SONY wena スマートウォッチ 電子マネー Suica Alexa搭載 活動量計 iOS/Android対応 wena 3 metal Silver WNW-B21A/Sソニーソニー ウェナ SONY wena スマートウォッチ 電子マネー Suica Alexa搭載 活動量計 iOS/Android対応 wena 3 leather Brown WNW-C21A/Tソニー
    Sony Store