When a cloud engineer used VRX, the future of the router came to be seen

 Yamaha's virtual router "VRX" has finally been released.TAKIPONE, Ryuta Otaki, tried VRX, which proposes a new usage of Yamahalter.In addition to the initial settings of VRX and the construction of VPN, the cloud engineer wrote what VRX really looks like.

Did Yamaharuta enter the virtual machine?!

 It's TAKIPONE.Yamaha -san had the opportunity to try YAMAHA VRX, so I will try a trial report briefly.

 My yama Harouter has been in class up to RT57I, RTX800, and RTX1210, but recently I have a main deal of AWS (Amazon Web Services), so I don't have the opportunity to touch the higher -class centallator.did.The VRX that appears there is a virtual router that runs on the Amazon EC2 instance, an AWS virtual machine service, and is reminiscent of the possibility.

Virtual router VRX

 Moving on the EC2 instance means that AWS has high flexible functions and abundant resources, so it does not stop.Nevertheless, the installation environment is very different between the corner of the workplace and the other side of the cloud, so it seems necessary to consider various uses.

 The cloud is an ultra -large computer infrastructure found and operated by the cloud businesses in data centers, and AWS can build Amazon VPCs as a user -only private network on the base.VPCs can be accessed via the Internet or dedicated lines, so they can be connected to the branch network at the base, regardless of the organization's center network, and can build an in -organization network including the cloud.VRX can be incorporated as the core virtual router.

 For example, it can be used as a VPN router for remotely access from the go.Also, if the Internet connection is integrated in the center network, it seems that it can be used in various ways, such as the integrated management of application traffic such as NAT and DPI in the future as a gateway on the Internet (VRX is currently not compatible with DPI functions).。In any purpose, such as increased VPN clients and bases, the load on the centalouter is expected to increase as time has passed since the beginning of the introduction, so it is possible to respond by changing Instan style (scale -up of virtual machines).It seems to be a great help.

VRX introduction procedure

 Let's introduce the procedure for performing VRX.Operation confirmation environment is MacOS Mojave 10.14.It will be 6.

  1. ライセンスの入手

Get the evaluation license in advance.Login is required when registering the license, and the login information is also provided as a set with evaluation license, so please refrain from it.

  1. インスタンスの準備

The AMI (Amazon Machine Image) is provided to execute VRX, and the AMI will launch the EC2 instance.Select [Asia Pacific (Tokyo)] from the region selection menu at the top right of AWS Management Console, click [Service] on the upper left of AWS Management Console, enter [EC2] in the search box and display [EC2] as candidate.Click to display the EC2 management screen.


  1. キーペアの確認

Connect to VRX with SSH (Secure Shell).Amazon EC2 has a function to manage SSH public keys for SSH public key authentication as "key pair", and VRX is also used for SSH connection by loading key pairs at startup.Display the [Keypair] screen from the AWS Management Console EC2 management screen, import a public key on hand in advance, and keep the key pair name.

  1. インスタンスの起動

Finally, create and start a VRX instance.Click [Instance] from the menu of the EC2 management screen, click the [Instance] button to display the startup wizard.

Step 1: Select "Community AMI" from the AMI category on the left, enter "VRX" in the search box and search.The ami ID will be "ami-0571E4AAD10FD3EFD".Click the [Select] button, the latest (large number) of the image of "VRX-XXXXXXXX-AMD64-X".

Step 2: Instant type selection is from the Instan style supported by VRX.This time, for the operation confirmation, the smallest T3 in the supported Instan style.Select Medium.Click the [Next Step: Setting Instance Details] button.

Step 3: In the settings of the instance, set the following:In addition, line breaks are required at the end of user data.

clear configurationip route default gateway dhcp lan1ip lan1 address dhcptelnetd service offdns server dhcp lan1sshd service on

Click the [Next Step: Add Storage] button.

Step 4: Add Storage screen and "Step 5: Add Tag" as default, and both proceed with the [Next] button.

In "Step 6: Security Group Settings", confirm that there is a setting that allows the incoming call of the 22 port for SSH connection, and click the [Confirmation and Create] button.

Confirm the configuration of the instance, click the [Start] button, select the key pair name you have confirmed earlier in the key pair, and recognize that you have access to the selected private key file and cannot log in to the instance without this file.Turn on the check for "" and click the [Create instance] button.

Click the Instance Display button to confirm that the created VRX EC2 instance is added to the list and is running.

  1. インスタンスへの接続

Select the booted instance and copy [Public DNS (IPv4)].

In Windows, enter the following with an SSH client such as TERA TERM and connect it.

On the Mac, the SSH command is connected with the SSH command as follows in the terminal.

$ chmod 600 Downloads/.pem # SSH鍵のパーミッションを適切に設定する$ ssh -i Downloads/.pem The authenticity of host 'ec2-XX-XX-XX-XX.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com (XX.XX.XX.XX)' can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wRNllyzQL+M03OJ7PcEMvW41X2R5X9sQ7cUUxyd58QY.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesvRX Rev.19.00.01 (Fri Sep 13 12:13:56 2019) ** Compact Mode **Copyright (c) 1994-2019 Yamaha Corporation. All Rights Reserved.To display the software copyright statement, execute 'show copyright detail'.0e:8a:dc:25:22:1eMemory 3727Mbytes, 4LANValid license is not found. Operates in speed limited mode.The login password is factory default setting. Please request an administrator to change the password by the 'login password' command.>

Now you can connect to the VRX instance with SSH.

  1. vRXのライセンス登録


> administratorPassword:The administrator password is factory default setting. Please change the password by the 'administrator password' command.#


# vrx user

Next, register the license.There are two ways to read the license file and the method of reading the license key in the license file individually.This time, I will register with the latter license key.

# import vrx license keyライセンスキーを入力してください: yslXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX以下のライセンスファイルをインポートします。基本ライセンス:=========================================================品番速度有効期限---------------------------------------------------------vRX-XX-XX XXG 2019/11/25 - 2019/12/14ライセンスのインポートを続けますか? (Y/N)Yライセンスのインポートが完了しました。

The license has a basic license and an optional license, but there is no difference in the registration procedure.Register all license keys you have obtained.The trial period is set to 20 days, so the test must be performed systematically.Use the trial period effectively, such as specifying the trial start date after the instance is launched.