When editing a network magazine, Yamaharuta was a teaching material

ASCII because it is the 20th anniversary of Yamaha Network Equipment.JP Otani picked up products that were impressive since the editing era of network magazines.Looking back from the 1990s, you can see the greatness of Yamaha Network Equipment, which always gave me surprise.

"Yamaharouter = a good -looking router" in the 1990s

 I met Yamahalter 15 years ago, when Otani edited a magazine called "Internet ASCII".At that time, ISDN was in its heyday, and a dream low price was always available at the OCN economy starting in 1996.Inexpensive routers called SOHO routers with multiple LAN ports and NAT functions appeared one after another, so that individuals could enjoy the Internet on multiple PCs.

 Under these circumstances, I met the RTA50I that claims to be an all -in -one router that can easily lead to the Internet in an ISDN environment.In addition to TA, DSU, 10BASE-T × 4, it is equipped with various ports such as analog ports x 3, S/T-point terminal x 2, and also supports PIAFS, which can be remote access by PHS.The GUI page using a web browser was easy to understand, and it quickly dispelled the image of "router is difficult."

Stylish cubic style "RTA50I"

 The most impressive thing was the design of a black cube called "cubic style".The surface finish like a luxurious piano was overwhelmingly different from other companies with a slightly cheap feeling.After that, the RTA52I with LCD and the wireless RT60W were also designed with no discomfort to put them in their homes, and anyway, they had the impression that "Yamahalter = looks cool."

 Nevertheless, at that time, I had a weak knowledge of TCP/IP and LAN, and I remember that my seniors had many vermiles.If you confess, you can write a simple TA and modem review, but it is hard to say that you could properly write the advanced router technology and functions.It is only after Otani moved to a network magazine to know the greatness of Yama Haruta in earnest.

The power of ISDN backup and ADSL + VPN

 As a corporate router, the RTX1000, which appeared in October 2002, is the most impressive.The RTX1000, which has been changed to a blue base with white and black, and has a renewal feeling in the series name, is a best -selling product of Yama Halator.It is a product that reigned as a standard for small business routers.

Classic RTX1000 as a VPN router for small business

 At that time, Otani was in charge of editing a network magazine and saw the dawn of the broadband on the spot.Following NTT's FLET'S ADSL, Yahoo!In 2003, it will break through 10 million lines.Under these circumstances, high -speed broadband routers, which are assumed to be used in ADSL, will swell the market, and consumer routers will be in a fierce throughput competition.


 On the other hand, the use of ADSL in a company has not progressed smoothly.In the first place, the ADSL, which was born with the concept of using the transmission capacity of the existing telephone line as much as possible, has the fate of the signal decline due to the quality deterioration of the telephone line itself and interference with ISDN.The transmission was also difficult.As a result, the communication quality tended to be sacrificed under the theme of Best Effort, and communication was often cut off and slowed down.

 Under these circumstances, the RTX1000 supplements an unstable ADSL with an ISDN backup line.To be honest, at that time, I didn't come to the solution to back up the megabit class ADSL with 64/128 Kbps ISDN.However, in the network of companies that value reliability and availability, the ISDN backup, which can continue communication, functioned sufficiently.I guess this has led to the reliability of Yama Haruta.

 Despite these solidness, the RTX1000 was full of various challenges.Introduced a network processor as soon as possible to respond to the security load of broadband and VPN.In addition to the standard IPv6, it securely covers the functions necessary for communication at companies, such as QOS and unauthorized access detection.Furthermore, by classifying packets by type and treating them as flows, "Fast Pass", which enables high -speed packet transfer, is realized only by updating firmware.The separation work of greatly improving the performance from the start of shipment was impressive.

 I personally have the impression that RTX1000 was used as a teaching material for learning VPN.The Internet VPN, which connects different networks on a secure communication path, was very useful in the small business as an option to replace expensive dedicated lines.In order to reproduce this, two ADSL lines are obtained to the editorial department, connected the borrowed RTX1000, and set the VPN between the base on the GUI screen.If you actually set it with a router, it is strange that IPsec, which is a culmination of advanced security technology such as encryption, tunneling, and authentication, will be surprisingly easy.

 In addition, I learned various network technologies such as routing protocols, NATs, and packet filtering while using RTX1000.The RTX1000, which can now be set in the GUI, was a grateful for non -engineer non -full -time administrators for those who are not engineers.

The recent keyword of Yamaha Network is "Challenge"

 Speaking of the recently impressive products, it would be Yamaha's first switch "SWX2200".It was really surprising that Yamaha, who had long been a router for a long time in the 2010s, when broadband and network equipment became a commodity.In fact, the release article wrote, "Yamaha enters the amazing switch market! What are the roles and benefits?"

The SWX2200 that can be set from the router is useful in the small business site

 However, the product concept, a switch that can be set from the router, was more convincing the more I heard.In the small business site, which loves Yamahalter, there is no need for multi -port switches.Nevertheless, the number of LAN ports that can be mounted on the router is limited, and the location of the router and the switch is different.In that regard, the SWX2200, which functions as a Yamahalter extension port, is reasonable in terms of operation management.If you actually use it in combination with a yama harter, you can visualize the connected terminal, so you can experience the benefits of All Yamaha.

 Since 2012, Yamaha has pioneered a new genre, just as something has been blown out.Sharp products, such as the Firewall "FWX120" of the red housing, and the wireless LAN AP "WLX302" that incorporate visualized functions are introduced one after another.The VPN router has also appeared in the RTX1210, which has an overwhelming throughput of 2Gbps, and Yamaha has grown into a vendor that can provide the necessary network equipment in small business.

 Looking at these recent Yamaha network equipment business, it can be seen that the image of a Japanese company that manufactures steadily is only one aspect of Yamaha.I'm no longer surprised by the NAS or road balancer from Yamaha.The recent Yamaha is so aggressive that it seems to be full of challenging spirit to develop a new market.I hope that Japan's high -quality Yamaha network equipment will be more global and highly valued.


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