Can the mobile industry reflect based on 2020 and usher in a new era in 2021?

A situation I couldn't have imagined a year ago.

 There is no doubt that 2020 will be a year in which the world has suffered great damage as a result of the coronal scourge. As early as a year ago (early 2020), the word "novel coronavirus" was circulated in the news, but it seemed that he was still seeing the fire on the other side and could not be treated as a matter of his own.

 In February 2020, I went to San Francisco in the interview released by Samsung Galaxy S20 series, but the MWC Barcelona 2020 originally scheduled for late February was suspended.

Samsung released all the "Galaxy S20" series that support 5G

  • The decision of "MWC2020" was suspended, influenced by novel coronavirus

  •  Due to the unchangeable air tickets and irrevocable hotels, the author and several writers went to Barcelona, Spain, while interviewing Huawei at the scene and conducting remote interviews. Watch Sony and other publishing events held online through broadcast. Since then, overseas activities and overseas interviews have been suspended, and domestic interviews have been held until the summer, mainly online and remote interviews.

     The trend is taking root, with Google (GOOG) launching events online, including Apple's customary "Special Event". The publication of various mobile phone companies and manufacturers at home and abroad is also based on online, about a small part of the local product touch and try.


     So far, full self-discipline has been implemented, which is unprecedented, and all kinds of activities have been restricted compared with the earthquake in East Japan.


     Affected by this self-regulatory atmosphere, the mobile industry has shrunk, not necessarily so.

     With regard to terminal sales, the market has changed greatly under the influence of the amendment of the Telecommunication Law, but from the point of view of the demand for communication services, due to the expansion of the demand for telecommuting and telecommuting, unlimited use of mobile data communications provided in the 5G corresponding cost plan New optical lines and transfer IPoE corresponding services are considered to be more active than expected.

     In enterprise services, such as environmental improvement of enterprise remote access, it is also said that the number of requests for each communications operator has increased a lot, coupled with the government's "DX" policy, a serious corona in the disaster, the entire communications industry The impression is that it has regained its power as an infrastructure service.

     But on the other hand, after the summer of 2020, Prime Minister Suga Yiwei and Minister of General Affairs Ryotai Takeda are under strong pressure to reduce mobile phone charges. From the autumn of 2020 to the end of the year, companies have issued new tariff plans one after another. Reports on mobile phone charges also continue.

    General Minister Takeda and President KDDI Takahashi's speech was "disappointing" and "obstacles should be reduced"

  • General Affairs Minister Takeda and mobile phone companies "do not have the publication of major brands, which is too unkind."

  •  Mobile phone charges have become a topic several times in the past, and this is the most eye-catching period, and consumer attention also seems to be quite high.

     In addition, in 2020, various topics such as the launch of 5G services by companies, the formal launch of Rakuten services, the wholly-owned corporatization of NTT DoCoMo controlled by NTT, the restructuring of NTT Group, the rise and fall of domestic and foreign terminal manufacturers, and cooperation with financial services have attracted widespread attention.

    Rakuten Mobile released a summary of the official service, the start date and charging plan are obvious.

  • NTT's press conference on DoCoMo wholly-owned corporatization-- aiming at integrated ICT enterprises that can fight against GAFA

  •  However, on the whole, like 5G, a symbol of the beginning of a new generation of communication services, as an industry, it seems to have ushered in a major milestone in various senses. In the unprecedented crisis of the Corona disaster, the demand of the mobile industry has expanded, on the other hand, the habits, new styles and utilization styles so far, and the parts of the demand that can not be fully met have also been close-up.

     There are many projects I would like to mention. From here, we will focus on three key words and consider the outlook for 2021 on the basis of reflection in 2020.